Treg's blog

April 5th, 2007

3ware/AMCC 8006-2 and Ubuntu Dapper Drake LTS 6.06

Posted by Treg in HOWTO Ubuntu, Linux, Tech

Lately I installed an Ubuntu Dapper LTS 6.06 server with a 3ware 8006-2 sata raid controller. I wanted to use the CLI and the 3DMD raidcontroller software. So I downloaded the software on the website, installed it, but it just refused to work, complaining about wrong drivers. I suppose the drivers into kernel 2.6.15.x are good enough, in fact they are _to_ good/new. So I started to find a solution. I found one by downloading the newest CLI version 9.4.1.

The 3DMD tool wouldn’t work either, so I tried to install the 3DM2 tool. It failed because the installer didn’t generate a .pem file. So I searched some repositories with 3DM2 binaries and found a debian based package.


I just had do install it with dpkg and it works perfectly now.

2 Responses to ' 3ware/AMCC 8006-2 and Ubuntu Dapper Drake LTS 6.06 '

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  1. monkeyengine said,

    on July 25th, 2007 at 23:49

    Random unrelated 8006-2 question: Have you had any luck/issues running this card with drives larger than 500GB? Are you aware of anyone else who has, one way or another?


  2. Burnout said,

    on September 16th, 2007 at 10:21

    I’m sorry, those drives are smaller than 500GB. Checkout the 3ware site to solve those problems and check the new firmware/drivers.

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