Windows 7, network mapping problems.
So, you’re (very) satisfied with your new Windows 7 installation, but there they are, the first irritating problems. 😛
Sometimes, I’m working remotely with a VPN connection to the office. But since I’m using Windows 7, network mappings are acting very weird. They seem to be connected when I’m on a remote location without entering credentials, having the label “CSC-Cache”. I deleted, added, renamed, readded,… the network locations (also with “net use”), but in the explorer window, nothing good happened. Browsing the net learned me that Windows 7 standard uses “offline files”. Disabling this setting (finally) solved the problem. This is how you do it:
- Go to the “Control Panel”.
- In the “Search Control Panel” field, enter “offline” and click on search.
- The “Sync Center” will appear.
- Click on “Manage offline files” and click on “Disable offline files”.
- That’s it!