Treg's blog

May 11th, 2007

Linux kernel SATA bug solved.

Posted by Treg in HOWTO Ubuntu, Linux, Tech

Finally there’s a bugfix for the Linux kernel SATA bug I mentioned in this post. This is how I fixed it on my Ubuntu 7.04 machine:

– Make a file called stopsata in the folder /etc/init.d
The file should contain the following two rules:
echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_disk/0\:0\:0\:0/stop_on_shutdown

– Make a file called S89stopsata in the folder /etc/rc0.d
The file is a symlink to the previously made script. You can link it with:
ln -s /etc/init.d/stopsata S89stopsata

Attention, Ubuntu 7.04 is using kernel 2.6.20.x. This fix is already included in the kernel but not standard activated yet.

Info/patch about the bug on
Info about the bug on Ubuntu’s launchpad: Bug #63937

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